

أكاديمية الفتوح

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Futuh Academy is an educational institution that was established in 2023 with the primary objective of providing programs in a wide range of classical and contemporary integrated subjects. Our courses are designed to cater to learners worldwide and are offered in a hybrid mode, allowing individuals from any location to participate.


The pursuit of knowledge should always be accompanied by a commitment to personal growth and the cultivation of ethical, moral, and cultural values. It is essential to recognize that learning is not solely an individual endeavor but should be connected to the needs of society and the well-being of its people. A disconnected knowledge, devoid of people's connection and social relevance, lacks the potential to endure and bring about meaningful change. At Futuh Academy, we emphasize the central importance of connecting contemporary knowledge with the embodiment of morals and values. We believe that education should go beyond the acquisition of information and skills; it should instill a sense of responsibility and a commitment to making positive contributions to society. By integrating ethical and cultural values into our curriculum, we strive to nurture students who are not only well-versed in their chosen subjects but also mindful of the broader impact their knowledge can have on the world around them.


FAEC 001 - Certificate Course: Reading Classic 1 - Kitab al-Hikam of Imam Haddad

FACO 002 - Certificate Course: Reading Classic - Bidayatul Hidaya

FACO 003 - Certificate courseReading classic- Manhaj al saviyy